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Juneau Marathon & Half Marathon - Live!


formerly known as the Frank Maier Marathon & Douglas Island Half Marathon


Saturday, July 26th, 2025


Registration now open!!!


Marathon - TOP
The RRCA Championship Event Series is the largest grass roots-organized running series in the U.S. 

This year the Juneau Marathon is the State Championship Event for the 26.2 mile distance, AND, the Juneau Half-Marathon is the State Championship Event for the 13.1 mile distance!!! 

RRCA will give awards for:​

  • Open male and female

  • 40+ male and female

  • 50+ male and female

  • 60+ male and female

  • Open adaptive athlete male and female

There will be two registration/bib pickup sessions:


Friday, July 25, at Nugget Alaskan Outfitters, 4-6 pm

Saturday, July 26 (race day) at Savikko Park Shelter #1, starting at 6 am.


There are three aid stations for half-marathoners and an additional two for marathoners. As these are out-and-back-courses, you will hit them twice. There will be water, Gatorade, and Gu. Please dispose of cups and empty Gu packets in the aid station trash cans or carry them with you to dispose of following your finish.  Our use of the highway right-of-way is subject to permit and excess littering will not help us in getting permits next year! 


Thank you for your help with this.

Food and beverage will be available at Savikko Park after the races.




  • 6 AM EARLY MARATHON START (MARATHON WALKERS ONLY)- REGISTRATION ENDS AT 5:50 AM (6 AM starters do not qualify for age group awards)




There are no time limits.  The course does not close at a specific time, and the finish line does not shut down until the last runner is in.


The Open awards category is for runners age 39 or less.  The 1st place finishers in the Open category may or may not be the overall winner.  We will be providing a separate award for the overall winner.  If an overall winner is age 39 or less, then s/he will get the champion trophy as well as the first place medallion (and finisher's medal).


For questions concerning the Juneau Marathon/Half Marathon please contact: David Epstein at

On this page:

     Description, Amenities
     Race Course
     Race Day
     Visitor Information
     History and Records
marathon start 2018.png



Finisher medal and a premium technical T-shirt.


​Course Description

This USATF-certified, out and back marathon and half marathon is run at sea level on the lightly traveled, two-lane Douglas Highway in Juneau, Alaska. The scenic course offers views of mountains, glaciers, forests, and the ocean. The start/finish is near the picnic shelter at Sandy Beach, in Douglas, which is about 4 miles away from cruise ship docks in Downtown Juneau. Please see the Boston Marathon site for information about qualifying for the 2024 Boston Marthon.


Race Day

​Race Day


The marathon and half marathon are located on Douglas Island, immediately west of Juneau.

A short bridge accesses Douglas just north (about 0.5 mile) of downtown Juneau.
The official marathon start time is 7 AM; Half at 9 AM.




Visitor Information


Here are some helpful links for those interested in visiting Juneau for the full marathon or the half marathon:


Flying into/out of Juneau

Alaska Airline

Delta Airline


Ferry into/out of Juneau

Alaska Marine Highway System



National Weather Service Juneau


City and Borough of Juneau

Information for Visitors to Juneau

Maps of Juneau and vicinity

Juneau Convention and Visitors Bureau

Accommodations in Juneau


Convention and visitors bureau

Travel Juneau

Visitor Info
Hist & Records

History and Records


History of the race: The Juneau Parks and Recreation department sponsored marathons in Juneau from 1971 through 1988. Juneau architect and marathon enthusiast Frank Maier consistently participated in every marathon between 1980 and 1988. The current version of the Juneau Marathon began in 1992, about a year and half after a fishing accident claimed Frank Maier. As a tribute to Frank, the Southeast Road Runner Club named the Juneau marathon as "The Frank Maier Marathon", and is the sole organizer for this annual marathon event.


Lists of records for each Juneau Trail and Road Runner Race can be seen in "Top Performances" on our Races results pages.

Marathon Records


Women's Open----------------Shannon Gress, , Juneau, AK, 2:51:33 (2014)

Women's Masters------------Mary Hanna, 48, Maple Valley, WA, 3:25:04 (2010)

Women's Wheelchair-------Holly Koester, 48, Cleveland, OH, 3:27:17 (2008)


Men's Open---------------------Shawn Miller, 23, Juneau, AK, 2:31:30 (2003)

Men's Masters-----------------Scott Watts, 46, Auke Bay, AK, 2:44:44 (2012)

Men's Wheelchair------------Seth McBride, 24, Juneau, AK, 2:27:21 (2007)




Half Marathon Records


Women's Open------------------Merry Ellefson, 39, Juneau, AK, 1:25:19 (2001)

Women's Masters--------------Merry Ellefson, 45, Juneau, AK, 1:27:26 (2007)


Men's Open-----------------------Shawn Miller, 25, Juneau, AK, 1:09:33 (2005)

Men's Masters-------------------Guy Thibodeau, 42, Juneau, AK, 1:14:16 (1993)

Men's Wheelchair--------------Seth McBride, 23, Juneau, AK, 1:37:19 (2006)

Scott Watts 2012.png

Marathon Course Map


Course Profile

First Mile: Gently Uphill (gain 75 feet)

Mile 4: Short Hill (gain 75 feet, lose 75 feet)

Mile 9: Gentle Hills (gain 75 feet, lose 75 feet)

Mile 12.5: Steeper Hill (gain 150 feet)

Mile 13: Steeper Hill (gain 150 feet)

Mile 17: Gentle Hills (gain 75 feet, lose 75 feet)

Mile 22: Short Hill (gain 75 feet, lose 75 feet)

Miles 25.2-26: Gentle Downhill (lose 75 feet)


Half Marathon Course Map


Course Profile

First Mile: Gentle Uphill (gain 75 feet)

Mile 4 - Short Hill (gain 75 feet, lose 75 feet)

Mile 6.1 to Mile 9 - Short Hill (gain 75 feet, lose 75 feet)

Miles 12.2 to 13 - Gentle Downhill (lose 75 feet)



Race Course

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Please send website-specific communications to the volunteer webmaster.

Please send general questions or comments to the most appropriate JTRR volunteer listed on the About JTRR page.

© 2020 by Juneau Trail and Road Runners, a member of Road Runners Club of America.

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